Boston Dynamics' New Atlas Robot Can't Be Pushed Around (Video) by Denise Chow, Sci-Tech Editor   |   February 24, 2016 11:50am ET 296   61   22 Submit 4 Reddit   Boston Dynamics Atlas Robot  Pin It The upgraded Atlas robot stands about 5 feet and 9 inches (1.7 meters) tall and weighs 180 pounds (82 kg). Credit: Screengrab via YouTube/Boston Dynamics View full size image Robotics company Boston Dynamics released a new video yesterday (Feb. 23) showcasing its upgraded Atlas robot, and the footage features a slew of impressive (and somewhat unsettling) new capabilities.  The humanoid Atlas robot, which has been overhauled with a sleeker design, can be seen at the beginning of the video walking around untethered before it opens the front door to Boston Dynamics' office and steps outside. The bot is then seen walking on uneven and snowy terrain, maneuvering around trees and correcting its balance severa

Boston Dynamics' New Atlas Robot Can't Be Pushed Around (Video) by Denise Chow, Sci-Tech Editor | February 24, 2016 11:50am ET 296 61 22 Submit 4 Reddit Boston Dynamics Atlas Robot Pin It The upgraded Atlas robot stands about 5 feet and 9 inches (1.7 meters) tall and weighs 180 pounds (82 kg). Credit: Screengrab via YouTube/Boston Dynamics View full size image Robotics company Boston Dynamics released a new video yesterday (Feb. 23) showcasing its upgraded Atlas robot, and the footage features a slew of impressive (and somewhat unsettling) new capabilities. The humanoid Atlas robot, which has been overhauled with a sleeker design, can be seen at the beginning of the video walking around untethered before it opens the front door to Boston Dynamics' office and steps outside. The bot is then seen walking on uneven and snowy terrain, maneuvering around trees and correcting its balance severa

Boston Dynamics' New Atlas Robot Can't Be Pushed Around (Video) by  Denise Chow , Sci-Tech Editor   |   February 24, 2016 11:5...
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huduma kemkem zinapatikana kwa elly programe

huduma kemkem zinapatikana kwa elly programe

A  computer network  or  data network  is a  telecommunications network  which allows  computers  to exchange  data . In computer networks,...
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